. ‘Global Folk Dance 1’:
1. Adjon az Isten
2. Nebesko Kolo
3. Zemer Atik
4. Alunelul
5. Hora de la munte
6. Coconeasca
7. Ersko Kolo
8. Šetnja
9. Ajde Jano
10. Lesnoto (note that this dance starts the series of dances on the second YouTube clip)
11. Jeni Jol
12. Devetorka
13. Sta Dhyo
14. Trava Trava
15. Misirlou
16. Ma Na’avu
17. Tsadik Katamar
18. Erev Ba
19. Seroon Aghchik
21. Lugovonka (note that a dance was skipped here – #20 – and that this last dance actually appears at the beginning of the 3rd YouTube clip)